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Bring the Theme Park Thrill of Laser Tag Games to Your Backyard

Fun DIY Party Supplies - Laser Tag Game Ideas for your next Event

No matter if you are organising a birthday party, a vacation care activity, or even a corporate event, here are some simple game ideas to ensure your event is a success.

What is the best home laser tag game? Drum roll please...

It's called "Capture & Hold"! What's it all about? Well, there's a box in the middle of wherever you are playing called a Game Box. Both Red Team and Blue Team need to try an "tag" the box to capture it. It'll flash their team's colour. Then it's all about holding the box for longest time. 

At the end of the game the box will announce the winning team and flash their colour - how cool is that!

Of course there are loads of other games you can play, let's look at the competition...
  • Team Elimination Match (the team that has the least number of re-activations on their team, wins)
  • Electronic Capture the Flag (a new take on an old favourite! Players earn a virtual flag by tagging the opposition's flag box, then getting back to their base and tagging their own flag box. The team with the most virtual flags, wins)
  • Battle Royale (a free-for-all with the "map" or playing area automatically shrinks till there is one player standing. Royale Taggers Only)
  • Heist (collect as much cash as possible in the time limit. Royale Taggers Only)


How to Play Laser Tag Games, Some Inspo For Your Backyard


Making DIY Laser Tag Games Easy

We've made running a Laser Tag game super easy. It's a "turn-key" system.

Unsure what to say to the players? No problem! Play this video with the players before you start the games. It explains everything so you don't have to!

What to Say:

"Listen up! I'm going to explain how to use the laser tag equipment.

First, safety. Laser Tag is a non-contact game.  You should be at least 1.5m away from everyone else at all times, this includes your teammates. The taggers have an excellent range so you don't need to get too close. Do not grab the other player's taggers. Everyone is to stay on the ground. No climbing.

The most significant safety hazard is falling over. While you are running around, always watch where you are going.

If you are indoors, there is a no-running rule. When you are turning corners make sure you look where you are going.

Next, I am going to explain the taggers. When you start each game, you will have 5 health, this is shown on the top left-hand side of your display. When this reaches zero your phaser is deactivated. You can be tagged on the head sensors or the sensor on your phaser, so make sure to hide.

When you get tagged, your phaser will let you know. It will say, "You're Tagged".

When you hear, "You're Deactivated", you'll go back to your team's base. If you are not sure if you are deactivated, pull the trigger, and you're phaser will say, "You're Deactivated Return to Base." Stand next to your team's box, at your base, and wait until it says, "Reactivated". Only the box at your base will reactivate you.

If you are playing Free for All go to the HQ and wait for the next game. When you tag another player you'll hear one of three sounds. If you hear "Tagged," that means you have tagged them. This is good. Keep playing! If you hear "Deactivated", you have just deactivated them. Find another player to tag. Finally, if you hear, "Deactivated Already", that player is already deactivated and you don't need to tag them.

I'm now going to cover cheating. The most important thing you need to know is that you don't cheat! There are two cheats in this game. The first is moving any of the boxes. Don't move the boxes. The second cheat is covering your sensors. Don't put your hand in front or on any sensors. The head sensors are not to be put in your pocket, sat on, or put under your hat.

Next you'll want to play one of the [ Game Briefings ] 


Laser Tag Games to Play at Home

We have several ideas for laser tag games that are super easy to run, and awesome to play! Kids love these!

Team Elimination 

Available with all our packs this is a super fun game that is easy to understand. Each player starts with 5 Health.  When they are tagged, they lose 1 Health Point. When they hit 0, they are "deactivated". All they need to do is go back to their medic box (there is one for each team!). The medic box counts how many reactivations it makes.  At the end of the game, the team who got deactivated the least wins!


capture the flag

Capture The Flag

This is a famous laser tag game. Who hasn't heard of "Capture the Flag?"  We have given an age-old game an upgrade! Play 21st-century Capture the Flag in your backyard. 


Capture & Hold

Level up the excitement with this awesome laser tag game. The goal of the game is to hold the central position for the longest time. The box announces the winning team at the end of the game! Play this when you ADD a Game Box. 


Create Your Own Laser Tag Games to Play at Home

Let the kids get creative! Part of being a kid of having fun inventing your own games and rules. Yep, "House rules!"  

The batteries last and last so you can pretty much play as long as you like. 

When you rent for Saturday you get Sunday free. This means (almost) endless lazer tag games!          


The Most Friendly Staff

The phone service was super friendly, the most friendly staff I have ever dealt with. Prompt, friendly and easy. I have recommended it a lot already and everyone that used the gaming guns wanted to know about the service. Especially where I live as we have to travel to do lazer tag.
Jean, Red Hill South, VIC

An absolute highlight!!

Hi Team, I want to thank you all so much for providing such amazing equipment. We are from the University of Adelaide and ran a program over two days for high school students. Let's just say that the laser tag was an absolute highlight!! All students, mentors and staff had a ball!!! We (staff) even played a sneaky game (or two) while the students were attending their lectures! It was so much fun! Thanks again and thank you for the amazing and friendly customer service that you all provided!
Chrystal S, Wirltu Yarlu - Uni of Adelaide

Laser Tag Games To Play Indoors - Leah's Story 

Leah from Brisbane got Laser Tag in a Box rental to entertain her crew. This is her story. The kids had a blast. They had fun bouncing the lasers off mirrors and shiny objects. Laser Tag in a Box kept the kids entertained for a good few hours. Minimal adult supervision was required after the initial setup, which was simply turning the guns & medic boxes on with a key. 

The Instructions were excellent and very easy to follow. Girls and boys alike loved it, and we had ages from 6 to 10 years old. When I asked them what they all thought of it, they said, "Awesome! 

We also used it as a family the following day, so was great to have the package for the entire weekend. We played quite a few of the different games but also made up our own. One of the favourites was Boys Against Girls. It rained the night we'd planned to use it, so we moved indoors. It was great to be able to play either indoors or outdoors. Overall, this package was great for indoor use. Inside was good, as we could hide in doorways etc. I'd recommend this package to friends and family with kids aged from 8 to 16 (the grown-ups also had heaps of fun though). It's an excellent party idea and keeps the kids entertained for hours. 

I'd recommend at least 3 hours of total party time to give the kids breaks between rounds to eat, drink & cut the cake, etc.

Can't Wait to Hire Again

We are so grateful to the team at laser tag in a box for their professional yet understanding and friendly service. Our kids loved the day and the activities that came from the laser tag in a box team. We can't wait to hire from them again. Great service, Great activity.
Dan Myhill - KidzClub Holiday & Children's Pastor

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