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How to Use the Medic Box

Just like in a video game, if you get tagged out you can get a re-activation. 

The medic box makes running laser tag games straight-forward.

The medic box makes running games straight-forward.

  • The latest model Medic Box now "auto-spawns" as well as "push to respawn".
  • Also please note the latest model Medic Box you don't need to push the big button to start it up. It will automatically get ready to go! 

Watch the video for a good summary of how the Medic Box works.


laser tag rental - medic boxes

Laser Tag Rental Medic Box - style 1

laser tag hire - medic boxes

Laser Tag Hire medic Box - style 2


The Spare Phaser/s

Every rental package has a spare phaser. This spare does not come with a headband. When turned on with the key, the screen will display "spare device". Please keep this one in reserve. Only use if one of the other laser-taggers, game box, medic box or master controller stops working. You can use the red or black button to scroll up or down the menu selection to set this spare to act as the unit you wish to replace (e.g. a red team phaser). Once you see the option you want on the menu screen, then pull the trigger to lock in your choice.

The spare can be used as a game box, medic box, master controller or phaser. With a spare phaser is used as a medic box, the phaser has to be aimed at a sensor and the trigger pulled.

Battery Charger/s

Using The Battery Charger

The chargers come fully charged. While we do include a battery charger (just in case) you probably won't need to touch it. 

Our phasers are designed for hours and hours of game time (around 16 hours). For maximum use, please turn the units OFF with the key, when not in use.

To ensure you get the max use out of the equipment, we include, for no extra cost, the rental of a battery charger. It looks & works pretty much the same way as a phone charger. All the phasers come charged up. So you should get around 16 hours of plaYtime from them. But if that's not enough or one of the phasers is accidentally left on, you can recharge & then keep ongoing.

Please note that this is just designed for a toP up. So to recharge from fully flat takes around 3 hours. DO NOT leave the phasers on charge for more than 3 hours. Usually, a quick recharge of 15 or 30min is enough to get going again.

How To Charge a Phaser or Box

1. Turn Phaser OFF with key. The units can only be charged if they are off.

2. Plug the Charger in and turn it on. A GREEN light will show this means there is power to the charger.

3. Plugin the charger cable into the phaser. The Charger Light will change to RED.

4. During charging the red light will remain on.

5. Once the light turns back to GREEN the phaser is charged & ready for use.

6. Do not charge a unit for more than 3 hours at a time.


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